Street Photography Mistakes you should avoid Always using the Manual Mode is a prominent Street Photography mistake One common misconception and Street Photography mistake is the belief that professional photographers always use the manual mode and therefore it is also useful...
A recent video showing Dougie Wallace at work got me thinking what does it actually take to be a good street photographer? For all we know, Street Photography is a very complicated genre where it is difficult to "measure"...
  With the increasing number of crimes and the increasingly unsafe surroundings that we live in, it’s important to ensure safety and maximum security in various ways. The most basic but important way to do so in your home or...
2016 is officially over so we can forward to a fresh start of 2017. New Year's Eve feels like clearing the memory card and starting over again. With such a clean sheet we are able to rewrite our story...
Everyone in these digital age loves to take pictures with their phones or camera so they could record memories from beautiful places in nature. Professional photographers know that caring the right gear is essential. No matter how quality your...
At the end of last year, I had the opportunity to travel for more than three months through Southeast Asia. I have already stated my travel plans before, and now the time has come where I want to recap...
A good street photographer is always looking for ways to turn ordinary city life into an extraordinary scene. They’re able to find a good story and capture the moment with their camera. No matter if you’re a novice street photographer...
If you want to become a professional photographer, studying photography is an excellent option. It allows you to acquire and enhance your photography skills. In addition, it gives you invaluable certifications that give you credibility as a freelancer or...
Whether you are holidaying overseas, inter-state, or even an hour away from your home - nothing can be more relaxing than just getting away. If you are an avid cycler, then you probably want to keep cycling...
Being bold is one of the most desired attributes in Street Photography. It allows you to act naturally in public without being nervous and let you get the photos you desire. But there is a thin line between boldness...

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