1Picture of the week by


Short Bio

1- I ‘m photographer almost that 30 years ago, used many films and cameras, Nikon, Leica, Pentax 67, Hasselblad, Rollei, etc.

Today used Fujifilm x 100 almost for all.
Idea Behind the Picture
2 – ‘La vida va y viene” is the name of picture. (the life goes and comes)
What fascinates You the most about Street Photography
3 – Spontaneity.
Which 3 “unknown” Photographers should we check out
4 – Matt Black, Trent Parke, Alan Schaller.

2What in the World Are We Looking For?

As I write these words, very late on a January night, the temperature in Moorhead, Minnesota, is twenty-six degrees below zero. The wind-chill temperature is more than 40 below—the point where Fahrenheit and Celsius meet. Sheets of spindrift snow swirl from the tops of drifts and rocket down the streets and yards of my neighborhood. Not many people are outside.
Yet, this is both a wonderful and comfortable evening. Sitting in a deep chair in my study at home, a full glass of red wine by my side, books in my lap and the music of Stacey Kent on the radio, I am inexorably happy.
The pictures on the walls of my study at home are both priceless and worthless. There is a photo of my children sitting at the top of our stairs on Christmas morning, both in their pajamas. In this picture, my daughter is 27 and my son is 23. Both of them hold cups of coffee. Both are eager to race down to see what Santa has brought—a ritual since the time they believed.

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3The Innocence of Yesterday

The Russian photographer and vintage camera collector, Yury Nezdoyminoga first came to photography after an injury saw his ballroom dancing career come to a premature end. What followed was a very personal journey, as he immersed himself at first in the iconic works of legendary photographers, writers and theorists and thereafter in the world of black and white photography. His images display a rare, contemplative take on everyday life. Often portraying people at leisure, his street photography also touches on the intricacies of interpersonal relationships, as well as the innocence of youth. All the while his images are permeated by a nostalgic sense of longing, thanks, in part, to his aversion to modern technologies and love for vintage, analog cameras – his collection includes a Leica IIIA and a Leica IIIF RD ST. We caught up with Yury to find out more about his inspiring route into photography and his ritualistic photographic process.


4Sociologist-turned-photographer Kevin Faingnaert shows alternative life at the ZAD

The 12 meters high make-shift lookout tower of the Bellish collective.
“I’m fascinated by people who turn their ideals into real deeds through hard work,” explains the Belgian photographer, who documented the French protest camp during World Press Photo’s Joop Swart Masterclass
Since 2009, around 400 acres of land in Notre-Dame-des-Landes, a commune in the west of France, has been home to Europe’s largest rural protest camp. Led by a mix of environmental activists and locals, the ZAD (which roughly translates to ‘Zone To Defend’ in English) developed in opposition to the construction of an international airport that would wipe out the wildlife and villages of the area. Though these plans have stalled for several years now, the ZAD has taken root, growing into a self-sufficient community complete with its own markets, bakery, brewery, theatre space, newspaper and even a pirate radio station.

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5Grasping Rio’s Beauty and Tragedy

Rio de Janeiro, a city spectacularly forged between jungle and sea, can be many things to many people: a palm-fringed mecca for scantily clad pleasure seekers, the nerve center of Brazil’s oil industry, the cradle of musical genres ranging from samba to bossa nova and choro.
With his striking photographs, João Pina reminds us that Rio is also a theater of war.
The body count is still climbing in the labyrinth of Rio’s favelas, reflecting a devilishly complex struggle for control of the cocaine trade. Not far from Ipanema’s sands, drug gangs regularly wage gun battles not just with one another, but also with the police and paramilitary militias largely made up of active-duty police officers.


6The Alsham Bakery

We had to start out lives all over again, I didn’t want to get money from the government. I want to provide for my family like I did in Lebanon.

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Street Photography