You have worked hard all year and want to spend it on a nice hobby that you recently discovered or want to try out more. Then this Street Photography Camera Guide will show you all the options to capture your dreams.
Street Photography is not all about gear, and there are far more important aspects, nonetheless, having the right gear facilitates the fun and helps you to get closer to your goals much faster. Currently, there are a lot of changes on the camera market. Mirrorless cameras become better, even going up to medium-format, while DSLRs are a dying rarity in Street Photography. Therefore I only mention DSLRs briefly at the end of this street photography camera guide.
Think smart before investing in a new camera for Street Photography and it will last for a long time and become your new companion on the street.
I made the mistake not knowing what I want to photograph and went with a Canon Rebel, which isn’t really suitable for Street Photography. It can work, but personally, I believe it slowed down my personal development a lot.
With this Street Photography Camera Guide, I want to present the current „go-to“ camera models and for whom they are suitable.
My Street Photography Camera Recommendations
Which Camera Should I Buy for Street Photography?
Some prefer small compact models over the raw image quality. Others need the flexibility of changeable lenses. Then there is always the price as a factor.
Luckily, Street Photography isn’t expensive and once you made the right choice, the camera can last you for years. This guide will assist you to find your suitable camera for Street Photography.
Compact Cameras for Street Photography
Compactness can be a real advantage in Street Photography Cameras. You may feel more secure to go close to people, will be more invisible while shooting and you will have an easier time carrying the camera everywhere with you.
If you are new to Street Photography I definitely would recommend you to such a model. They are also less of an investment and don’t come with great costs if you don’t feel comfortable in Street Photography anymore.
RicohGR II
Overview of the RicohGR II
One of my favorite models and the best compact digital camera for Street Photography is the RicohGR II. I already wrote a review about the camera as I use it extensively myself.
The RicohGR works great during the day and I was easily accustomed to the 23mm viewing field, that I don’t need to actually look at the LCD screen anymore to frame the picture. This allows me to get real close and just snap away any picture that I want without having to fear, that I scare away any subject with a big camera.
During the night, the camera also performs well, but you have to have either great artificial light sources or an external flash. My Flash Series “Berlin After Dark” has been featured on many websites including Alex Coghe & thephoblographer
Even with a small inconspicuous camera, you are able to create series, that find their way in the Street Photography world.
A lot of Street Photographers are using this camera for the reasons listed above and you definitely won’t make any mistake buying this camera.

Size / Weight
When it comes to the size and weight, the RicohGR II, as a compact camera, is far ahead in comparison to other DSLRs or mirrorless cameras for Street Photography. Weighing only ~250g You can carry that camera without any problem on Your wrist strap for the entirety of a day.
That makes that camera ideal to explore different cities if You need a camera for traveling and plan to shoot for the whole day.
The small size comes also handy if You are commuting a lot and don’t want to rely on basic mobile phone pictures. With its small size, the camera should fit into Your jacket’s pocket. The retractable lens, that withdraws into the body, when the camera is shut down, improves the size even further and You don’t have to worry about breaking the camera when carrying it in Your pocket.
Image Quality
The RicohGR II is, in my opinion, the best bang for a bucket when it comes to image quality for a reasonable price. Although it is a compact camera and very small, it is a powerhouse nonetheless.
The APS-C sensor allows You to take photographs at night and with over 16 Megapixels, it isn’t any worse than their “bigger” rivals.
With a max aperture of f/2.8, You are also able to create a shallow depth of field and have some bokeh in the background, although the camera has a built-in 28mm lens.
It shows that this camera was specifically built for Street Photographers. The RicohGR II doesn’t have any “unnecessary” features that would look good for the “average consumer”, but increase the price at the same time.
No, the RicohGR II focuses on the important specifics. The camera is small, has a great sensor and in terms of image quality is on a very high level.
That the camera is missing a viewfinder might be extraordinary at first, but You shouldn’t worry about that. With a little bit of practice, You don’t even need the LCD-Screen but rather shoot from the hip and get Your shots this way.
In case You are really missing a viewfinder, You can also attach this Viewfinder to the camera and then You are able to look through a Viewfinder again.
Youtube Review
For Photographers who are comfortable without a Viewfinder and want a Street Photography camera that can deliver the highest quality for a very reasonable price without any unnecessary gimmicks, but is reduced to its essential features.
Get the camera now, before the new version is released and save additional money.
Excellent Image Quality
APS-C Sensor
Very Compact
No Viewfinder
Check the current Price
Olympus Pen-F
Overview of the Olympus Pen-F
As an alternative, I would say the Olympus Pen-F is like a little more advanced version of the RicohGR II. Only a small increase in size, but the biggest advantage is the tilt-screen and viewfinder which the RicohGR II lacks. Of course, this comes with a greater price, but if you are willing to invest a little more than the Pen-F might be the best compact camera for Street Photography right now.In terms of Image Quality both offer professional quality during the day, but can be difficult to handle during the night. There you will have found a lot of noise, which can be alright if it fits your style. If you are going to „fine art“ styles during darker times these cameras might not be your first choice.

Size / Weight
Compared to the RicohGR II, the Pen-F is a little bigger and weighs more, especially considering that there is also an interchangeable lens that adds to the size and weight.
While the body only might not be much different, the lens makes it impossible to carry the functioning camera in Your pocket.
On the other hand, the Pen-F is probably the smallest camera that allows changing the lenses.
Image Quality
Although the micro four-thirds sensor might be a little smaller, the Pen-F is still coming strong with over 20 Megapixels. The Pen-F comes with the high-quality TruePic VII image processor, that offers a very high resolution and high performance at the same time.
Since You are able to change the lenses, the quality also depends on the glass that You are combining with the camera. The M.Zuiko lenses are the same, that You can also use for other Olympus micro four-thirds cameras and are known for a great image quality while being rather inexpensive.
The camera also offers a “high-resolution mode which offers a resolution up to 50 Megapixels in Jpeg or even 80 Megapixels in RAW-format. These modes are best used when the camera and subject are static.
The Olympus Pen-F is one of the smallest cameras with a changeable lens system.
In contrast to the RicohGR II, the Olympus Pen-F comes with an electronic Viewfinder and the LCD screen is even tiltable.
With the high-resolution mode, RAW-files of up to 80 megapixels can be created.
The 5-axis stabilization helps You also to create handheld photographs, better than any other compact camera.
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The Pen-F is probably the smallest camera with the highest quality. You are able to take pictures at a professional level while being able to carry the camera in Your pocket.
In contrast to the RicohGR, the PEN-F features a viewfinder and is a high-end compact camera that features everything that You are looking for in a “normal” camera.
Very Sharp
Tiltable Screen
Touchscreen and Wifi
No Ultra HD Video
Check the current Price
Powershot & Cybershot
The Powershot & Cybershot are great alternatives if you also plan to record some video footage with these cameras. For Street Photography, the RicohGR and Pen-F are the best choices, but if you want to have more well-versed all around compact cameras, the Powershot & Cybershot are also worth looking into.
Other than that, they are great Street Photography Cameras to get close and candid shots, without really costing too much.
Buying Mirrorless Cameras
with Interchangeable Lenses
Mirrorless cameras with changeable lenses probably offer the best image quality in combination with a great lens. They are great if you really are seeking for the best quality and aren’t afraid to buy new lenses and research which lenses are the best for you.
They are also good, if you don’t have a favorite focal length yet and want to experiment with different lengths and their unique characteristics. In comparison to DSLRs, they are still relatively small and definitely suitable for Street Photography.
You will look more like a tourist than a professional paparazzi and with a small pancake lens, your gear is still very compact.
Fujifilm X-E3
Overview of the Fujifilm X E-3
The Fujifilm X-E3 is a smaller version of the X-T20 and the newest addition to the Fujifilm family. Although it is smaller, the hardware and image quality is very similar to its bigger counterpart. Therefore I view the X-E3 as more suitable for Street Photography. It is also very easy to use with the touchscreen that the camera offers. With the 24 Megapixel CMOS sensor of the new Fujifilm generations, people also seem more lifelike and don’t have that “wax look” problem anymore. Giving you even more advantages compared to other manufacturers.

Size / Weight
Fujifilm Cameras always feel like they have a classic design. The X E-3 isn’t different and it looks and feels fantastic, similar to a retro film camera. Although the body looks like it is a classic model its weight and dimensions have even improved from previous versions.
The X E-3 is the newest addition to the Fujifilm family and also the smallest one, although the depth has grown by 0.2 inches. The greater depth allows for a better handling and the camera sits even more secure in Your hands.
Image Quality
On the outside, it says X E-3, but the inside could be a Fuji X-Pro2 as well. The X E-3 uses the same imaging pipeline as the X-Pro2 which is almost double the price. The burst speed is a little reduced compared to the flagship X-Pro2 but other than that the image quality itself remains remarkable.
Featured the X E-2 a 16.2 Megapixels sensor, the all new and improved X E-3 has a sensor with over 24 Megapixels and is the third generation of the CMOS Sensors.
The X E-3 is not just a “slight upgrade” to the previous version, it is a whole new camera and definitely worth the upgrade, if You already are an owner of the X E-2.
“Everything is better with Bluetooth” and so is the X E-3. Previous Fujifilm cameras already had WiFi support, but the newest addition takes it a step forward with built-in Bluetooth capabilities.
If You are interested, to also take videos with the camera, the X E-3 supports 4K video resolutions. A feature, that even the X-Pro2 lacks.
Youtube Review
A very modern camera that features WIFI & Bluetooth, is a little smaller than its predecessor but offers a better image quality. The XF lenses are known for its high quality and if You are seeking for a little variety in Your photography this camera should be Your choice.
Light Weight
Slippery Dials
Check the current Price
Olympus OMD-E-5 II
Overview of the Olympus OMD-E-5 II
Olympus’ OMD-E-5 II is somewhere in the middle of the E-1 and the E-10. Due to its micro-four-thirds sensor, it is the smallest camera with changeable lenses. The main feature is the very easy to use tiltable-screen and that its small size. Although you are able to change lenses, it still could fit in a pocket. The Depth of Field can be lacking because of the small sensor size and at night it might not perform the best. Other than that, it is fast has a silent shutter and great quality.

Size / Weight
The OMD-E-5 II is a little heavier than the Fujifilm X E-3 although, 469g or about 650g including the kit-lens isn’t noticeable heavy. If You are going to shoot for a whole day, You preferably wear the camera around Your neck with a leather strap and not on a wrist-strap, as that can put an additional strain on Your wrist.
Apart from the little extra weight, the OMD-E-5 II is still a small camera by any means and is very inconspicuous.
Remarkable for the Olympus design is the hot shoe in the middle of the camera which is also where the EVF sits behind.
Image Quality
The camera can burst up to 10 frames per second, but the 16 Megapixels sensor feels a little outdated by now. Nonetheless, the camera is still capable of producing good shots and 16 Megapixels can still be a lot to work with, but aren’t really suitable for extensive cropping.
With a continuous burst mode of up to 10 frames per second, the camera processor is still one of the faster ones available.
The Image quality might not be what convinces You of this camera, but the small Olympus cameras are known for their versatile tilt and swivel LCD-screens.
You can pretty much turn the screen in any direction and photograph by looking down on the screen. This can help You to overcome Your fear of Street Photography and makes You appear like You are photographing something else.
In addition to that, the OMD E-5 II has a “silent shutter” mode, which means that there will be no shutter sound at all. During that mode, the shutter speed can go as fast as 1/16.000s and if You need a fast shutter, then this camera is made for You.
Youtube Review
For Photographers who go the extra mile and often shoot from different perspectives or want to get closer while being invisible. With its small size and tiltable screen, You can overcome Your fear of photographing in public very easily. The auto-focus is one of the fastest too, so if You want to capture some sports or similar action, this camera is suitable for that too.
Magnesium Body
Tiltable Screen
Hi-Res Modus
High ISO Performance
Check the current Price
Sony Alpha 7 II
Overview of the Sony Alpha 7 II
A third option might the Sony Alpha 7 II be for you. The camera gives you a full-frame sensor with probably the best opportunities in terms of image quality. Do you have still some old lenses at home that you would like to use? Lenses with a special character from the 70s that you or your father already photographed with and that you want to revive? Then the Sony Alpha 7 II is great if you want to use that old glass again. It offers great compatibility with old-fashioned lenses because of its full-frame sensor and there are great adapters available.

Size / Weight
Comparing the Sony A7 II, to the previous cameras is not really fair. Where the E M-5 II only has a micro four-thirds sensor, the Sony A7 II comes around with a full-frame sensor.
Therefore it is only natural, that the camera is a little bulkier than comparable mirrorless cameras in that section. Nonetheless, the handling is great and compared to DSLRs, the camera is still relatively small, which makes it suitable for Street Photography.
Keep in mind though, that a full frame lens also weighs a little more than their smaller counterparts.
Image Quality
The full frame sensor has many advantages to the other cameras, that come with smaller sensors.
The dynamic range is higher, which means that You are able to shoot more directly into the sun, without losing information in the highlights. In the darkness, the camera is also able to gather information more easily.
For more difficult light situations, You can also set the ISO higher without any problems. Thanks to the full-frame sensor, the noise reduced to a minimum level.
A hybrid focus system, that works very well with a continuous focus.
The Sony A7 Mark II is probably the most affordable entry to the full-frame camera world and makes it also easy for You to use older camera lenses.
For videos, the camera also offers a very high quality with up to 50Mbps.
The touchscreen is also tiltable and although the camera is a little heavier, can be used more flexible thanks to the screen.
Youtube Review
If You want the great quality that comes from a full-frame sensor and maybe want to use vintage lenses too. This camera is great in low-light and delivers the highest quality a mirrorless camera with interchangeable lenses has to offer.
Full-Format Sensor
Many Features
Best Image Quality
Heavier than the Alpha 7 I
The Street Photography Camera Guide With Fixed Lenses
You already know what you need and have a fair share of experience in Photography. In terms of focal length, you have a clear favorite and use your feet to zoom. In this Street Photography Camera Guide, I want to present some mirrorless cameras with fixed lenses that will make their way into the Street Photography world.
Your focus lies in taking pictures instead of running after the newest lenses to keep the illusion that new lenses will improve your Street Photography.
With a one time investment in the following cameras, you are set for many many years and can concentrate fully on developing your Street Photography skills. 35mm are your home and you know how to handle them.
Then the relative compact cameras with absolute stunning image quality should be your next buy.
Fuji X100F
It is no secret that the Fuji X100F is my absolute favorite Street Photography camera and I wrote already a review about the FujiX100F for Street Photography.
In my opinion, this camera combines everything that you need. 35mm Focal length is excellent in giving a realistic point of view without much distortion, allows you to get close, while also providing some bokeh when taking pictures fully open.
The design, especially of the silver edition, is very retro. People will think you are running with a film camera and you have a more positive impression with that camera. It holds up very well for Street Photography, but you can also shoot some documentary work like a wedding or portraits with it.
See my “Traditional Indonesian Wedding – Photo Essay“
With a 24MP sensor, it is also set for the near future and should be the standard for many years. For that price, the camera is definitely recommended to buy.

The Fuji X100F is for every Photographer, who doesn’t need different focal lengths and rather moves closer or further to the subject. The camera allows the photographer to focus fully on Photography without needing to invest additional money anymore. If You simply want a great camera to take photographs – Buy this camera, You won’t regret it.
Excellent Image Quality
Great Design
Relatively Compact
No Tiltable Screen
Check the current Price
Sony RX-1
While the Fuji X100F features an APS-C sensor, the Sony RX-1 comes with a full-frame sensor and a Zeiss lens.
This also comes at a little higher price. The RX-1 is reduced to the minimum and a little smaller than the X100F and fits in your palm.
It is, therefore, more comparable to a really high-premium RicohGR but for that reason could be exactly what you are looking for.
If the price doesn’t scare you and you are looking for some of the highest quality photographs then the RX-1 might be your choice.
The RX-1 is the most compact camera a camera can be that features a full-frame sensor. It offers high quality that is higher than changeable lenses could offer.
Very Good Image Quality
Full-Format Sensor
Built Quality
Low Battery Life
Check the current Price
Leica Q
If the price of the RX-1 doesn’t scare you and you are ready to invest in the highest quality camera then Leica is still the premium brand that is able to deliver exactly that.
The Leica Q also inhibits a 24MP full-frame sensor and a 28mm Summilux lens.
You don’t only buy a Leica for its quality, but also for the feeling of photographing with it. Seeing the design of the Leica Q probably reminds you already of a more classic rangefinder camera.
Be assured though, that the camera is anything but old-fashioned. The electronic viewfinder is revolutionary in its optic experience. The images that you can review there almost have the impression of being three-dimensional.
If you want to step into the footprints of other legendary Leica Photographers like Bruce Gilden, Rober Capa or Henri-Cartier Bresson then the Leica can give you that feeling. It is not only about the quality build, but also about the mystical image that surrounds every Leica camera.
Leica is not only a camera but an emotion and if You aren’t afraid to dig a little deeper in Your pocket to invest for a great experience, then the Leica Q has the best camera You can get and You might feel a little more like a Magnum Photographer Yourself.
Best Image Quality
High-ISO Performance
High Quality Lens
If none of the cameras before have reached you and you are still unsure what to buy, or if your interest in Street Photography will remain in the long-run, then going for a traditional DSLR might still be a good choice for you.
Although I am not a big fan of them for Street Photography, a DSLR leaves you any option to also go for portraits, landscape or architecture photography.
In case you are also interested to do Documentary Photography in remote places and need a reliable camera then a DSLR is still the best choice.
For example in the World Press Awards 2017, the DSLRs still reigned supreme as the choice for Photojournalists.
Following I want to present two models that have a little different target audience.
Nikon D750
The Nikon D750 is one of the newest cameras of Nikon and the successor of the highly popular D700.
It comes with a full-frame sensor and 24Megapixel, which is for that price already a very nice hardware.
When it comes to the auto-focus, the DSLRs are still ahead of mirrorless cameras, so if you plan to shoot documentary stories or sports photography, where a fast auto-focus is needed, then you should take a closer look at the Nikon D750.
The Nikon D750 is not a classic Street Photography camera, but a great camera for all different kinds of genres. Nikon lenses are notorious for their high image quality and the D750 is Your low-cost entry into the full-frame world.
Good ISO Performance
Video Features
No Tiltable Screen
Check the current Price
Canon 5D IV
As you can see at the chart about the world press awards, the Canon 5D III was the reigning champion.
Now Canon offers the new 5D IV and the improvements are huge and will take over the documentary world. The image processor is faster, which allows you to take even more pictures in a short time frame and you are less likely to miss a perfect moment.
The ISO low-light performance has been also improved, giving you an advantage when you are a fond lover of Night Street Photography.
The Canon 5D IV comes not cheap, but if you have a certain project in mind that you also want to sell to different magazines, or you simply want to deliver high-end quality photographs, then the Canon 5D IV can give you that.
For photographers who want to do Documentary Photography at the highest level or pretty much any other kind of photography. This is the favorite for most Photojournalist, but at the same time great for portraits at a professional level as well.
Great Dynamic Range
GPS & Wi-Fi
No Image Stabilization
Street Photography Cameras & Your Personal Style
Street Photography is a very loose term and even in this genre, there are very different styles. Beginning in the choice of color over monochrome, or the distance that you usually shoot at.
Getting closer to people, for example, is usually easier with a smaller camera because it doesn’t look that intimidating.
But if you are more interested to shoot wider frames from a distance, this isn’t very relevant anymore and you are more likely interested in the image quality.
Also if you are shooting at night, or with a flash can make a difference for your camera choice.
Those might be extreme situations, but with the right gear, you can master those too.
Mirrorless vs DSLR Cameras in this Street Photography Camera Guide
I am a firm believer that DSLRs are dead for Street Photography. I don’t see really suitable applications for them anymore when it comes to Street Photography and only present them briefly at the end of this Street Photography Camera Guide.
They are advantageous when it comes to Documentary Photography situations where you need a very fast working horse and don’t want to change batteries very often. But if you are not shooting in a war zone or crisis areas, mirrorless cameras became very dominant for various reasons.
In general, they are smaller than their DSLR counterparts. A Canon 5D III is still way bigger than any mirrorless, add in the camera grip and gap widens even more. For Street Photography, size does matter to some extent. Candid shots become easier with a smaller camera, not only because it is less visible, but also less intimidating for people on the street. With a big and heavy DSLR you look like a Paparazzi trying to get the next money shot, but with a more compact camera, you have the attire of an innocent tourist.
They are lighter. Weight can make a difference. A few hundred grams don’t sound a lot at first and if you compare it, you may not notice it very strongly. But carrying the camera on your neck all day, or having it on your wrist, it definitely becomes apparent that lighter cameras are an advantage. Your neck will thank you for every weight saved and your posture becomes better. Whenever I am walking with a heavier camera, I can really feel how I hunch forward after a few hours, giving in to the weight oft he camera. Therefore, mirrorless cameras are great if you are shooting for a long time.
The electronic viewfinder has made huge developments. I know that a lot of the DSLR fans don’t like to switch to mirrorless cameras because they aren’t fond of the EVF. That is reasonable, as the first mirrorless cameras with EVFs showed a huge lag and hadn’t the right feeling to it. Current mirrorless cameras are so advanced that you will get used tot he EVF very quickly and will appreciate its advantages. For example that you can see the outcome 1:1 and can customize overlays or help screens in your EVF.