1Picture of the Week

by Mirko Saviane

2The 7 Most important Street Photography Events for you to join in 2017

by Oliver Krumes

What are some festivals, competitions or events you should join in 2017? Oliver Krumes created a list with tips of the most important dates in 2017 for you. It starts with the Gulf Photo Plus Week in february and ends with the Miami Street Festival in December. To keep the list simple he didn’t include the money sink competitions that are only held for profit, but focused on events that are meant for Street Photographers.


3Photo Series “Dasein”

by Reuven Halevi

Reuven Halevi is a norwegian Street Photographer currently living in Rome. Throughout the years and his journeys he formed little series that continue to grow. Nonetheless they have an unique visual appeal already and this week he published his 7th edition. Uncommonly for Street Photography it doesn’t feature a lot of people but highlights the beautiful shadow play.

About Dasein

Pop-up and continuously evolving series
These should not be considered series ready for publication in book or even zine form. I have come to find it helpful to share the evolution of these series publicly, or at least semi-publicly, like this. To know that people will stumble on to these series and make up their minds about a lot of things concerning them and my photography gives me a sense of urgency to improve, to chisel away, to reorder, delete and add as best I can.

Dasein – Da·sein – ˈdäzīn/ – the being for which its own being is an issue.


4Camera Restricta

What would happen if you were only allowed to shoot at places that haven’t been photographed frequently yet?

Camera Restricta is an experiment that does exactly that. It restricts the photographer to take pictures at any given place that already has been photographed a lot. By searching image databases for their gps coordinates, the camera can estimate how many photos already exist of this places. If a certain threshold is exceeded the shutter button retracts and you aren’t able to take pictures at this place anymore.

It is a little fun experiment from Phillip Schmitt and photographer Carina Schwake but could also be translated to Street Photography at least for a few exercises. Trying to come up with interesting photos at places that aren’t heavily featured yet should be a very challenging theme, especially in major cities where everything seems to be documented already.

Camera Restricta

5Streethunters – List 2017

The hunt is on for the list of the 20 most influential Street Photographers in 2017. All you have to do is go over to Streethunters.net and send in recommendations for your most influential Street Photographer. Bare in mind that you are not able to recommend yourself. In the past this list had a great resonance with being viewed over 100.000 times. Maybe you can find yourself next to big names like Alex Webb or Bruce Gilden, that were part of the 2016 list.

6Time – Behind the photo

In september 2016 the photo of too overdosed adults and a 4 year old child went viral after being published by the Ohio city. A daunting example of drug addiction and its influence on innocent related persons.

Time tells the story behind the photo and adds some insight to the drug problems in East Liverpool.

Overdoses from heroin and opiate abuse are common in this Ohio city of 11,000, as they are in other cities like it throughout the state. In 2014, Ohio earned the dubious distinction of leading the country in opioid overdose deaths; its more than 2100 deaths account for over 7% of the national total that year. The bulk of those deaths were traced to opiates or heroin, and law enforcement and emergency room doctors are frustrated with the growing problem.

Time – Opioid Addiction

7Time – Photojournalism Post Truth

Another piece by Time. This time they put an emphasize on the importance of Photojournalism in an uncertain period where regular media gets flagged as fake news and the battle over the “truth” has been in full force.

True Photojournalism that is honest and without bias has the power to tell undistorted stories that don’t get filtered out by regular news agencies. The media and news agencies of today follow their own agenda and every narrative that doesn’t fit their point of view won’t be published.

Therefore independent Photojournalism is more important than ever.

Time – Photojournalism Post Truth

8Guy Martin – The parallel State

Taking a new approach to documentary photography after a near-death experience in Libya, Guy Martin captured Turkey’s fantasies as well as its increasingly violent realities

In his new book Guy martin mixes fiction with documentary photography and turkish soap operas to show the change Turkey has been going through.

Guy Martin – Parallel State

9Manolo Ty – Pakistan Now

A classic documentary series that takes you on the road and explore today’s Pakistan from the eyes of Manolo Ty. In his newest adventure he wants to raise awareness about the destruction of old traditions. At the same time he also presents the beauty and diversity of Pakistan and its rich culture.

For everyone interested in the book and meeting him, he will hold a presentation on the 1st of february in the Hotel Odenberg in Berlin.

Manolo Ty – Pakistan Now

10The Power of Protest Photography

If there is any doubt left that Documentary Photography can be a powerful tool to have an influence on society, then here is a series about the 1980s protests in the Bronx.

“While this cohort of photographers had made very powerful photographs of protests in New York City during these tumultuous decades, because they were working independently and before the advent of the internet and social media, much of their work had never been seen,”

The Power of Protest Photography